The Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) component to perform CBRN dispersion calculations and the dissemination of information about the dispersion effects on entities and the environment. The component specifies the use of a CBRN Federate to manage some of the CBRN related modelling.

The CBRN component consists of five parts:

  1. Source Release: A CBRN Release interaction is published in the federation to trigger the CBRN Federate to start simulation of the release. The interaction defines all of the information required to model a CBRN source release.
  2. Detectors: Detector properties is represented as a CBRN Detector objects and detections are published as CBRN Detector Alarm interactions. Sensor concentration readings is published using the CBRN Sensor object and CBRN Sensor Update interactions.
  3. CBRN Effects: The CBRN Human object class extends the representation of humans to include casualty state attributes. TriageLevel uses the NATO representation of triage category scores and IPE Type denotes the level of Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) that the unit is wearing according to Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) dress states. A CBRN Casualty interaction is also used to send notifications of casualty state change. Extensions to NETN Platform classes are also included to represent contaminated materials.
  4. Protective Measures: This part include both modelling of CBRN treatments and the modelling the level of individual (IPE) and collective CBRN protection equipment (COLPRO).
  5. Hazard Area: Representation of a contamination area used by simulation to model CBRN effects. It can be the output from a hazard prediction algorithm (a warning area defined in Allied Tactical Publication (ATP-45) or output from a dispersion model (contours).

Note that meteorological information and CBRN material properties are not part of the current NETN FAFD specification.

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