Simulation Control

The Low-Level Battle Management Language (LBML) is a part of the NETN SimC2 component and represent lower-level tasks suitable for providing simulation instructions to federates modelling individual units or platforms.

LBML provides a simulator independent way of command and control over simulated entities both from a simulator operator perspective and when modelling command and control interaction between federates in a distributed simulation. LBML contains common low level tasks and commands that can easily be interpreted and executed by simulations that model the behavior of entities. It also defines a set of reports used by simulations to provide status updates of the tasks being executed.

Instructions Reports
ChangeOrderedAltitude: Request new altitude.
ChangeOrderedSpeed: Request new speed.
FireAtLocation: Task entity to fire at a location.
FireIndirectWM: Task entity to fire at a location with the specified weapon and munition.
FireAtUnit: Task entity to fire at a specified unit.
FireDirectWM: Task entity to fire at a specified unit with specified weapon munition type.
FollowRoute: Task entity to follow a specified route.
FollowUnit: Tasks entity to follow another unit.
Move: Task entity to move in the specified direction.
MoveIntoFormation: Task an aggregate unit to move into specified formation and heading.
MoveToLocation: Task unit to move to the specified destination.
MoveToUnit: Task entity to move to another unit.
SetRulesOfEngagement: Task a unit to change the rules of engagement.
TurnToHeading: Task entity to turn to the specified heading.
TurnToOrientation: Task entity to rotate to the specified orientation using pitch and roll parameters.
VehicleDismount: Task entity to dismount from a vehicle.
VehicleMount: Task entity to mount a specified vehicle.
Wait: Tasks entity to wait until the specified end time.
CancelAllTasks: Cancel all tasks. Tasks already started are aborted immediately.
CancelSpecifiedTasks: Cancel all specified tasks. Tasks already started are aborted immediately.
CurrentActivityStatusReport: Report time and status of current task.
NextActivityStatusReport: Report time and start condition of next activity.
AmmunitionStatusReport: Report current amount of ammunition.
DamageStatusReport: Report when damage state changes.
FuelStatusReport: Report current amount of fuel left.
PositionStatusReport: Report position, speed, and heading of simulated entity.
UnderAttackStatusReport: Report when unit is under attack.
SpotReport: Report when unit's sensors detect opposing, neutral, or unknown unit.
ActivitySpotReport: Report the perceived current activity of a spotted unit.
CurrentActivitySpotReport: Report elapsed time and status of the current task.
NextActivitySpotReport: Report time and start condition of the next activity.
InSensorReport: Report sensor type and identifiers of detected entities.
InWeaponRangeReport: Report weapon type and identifiers of entities within weapon range.

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